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Release 2.16.00

Dec 17, 2018


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Note: It is currently a best practice to use a Services Machine with a minimum of 32GB of RAM. Starting in 2019 it will become required. See docs for our recommendation(s).

What’s New in Release 2.16

The following updates and fixes are also of note:

IMPORTANT We have upgraded Replicated to version 2.29.0 which requires Docker 17.12.1. Please follow the instructions provided in the Updating Server Replicated Version guide before upgrading.

New Feature We are excited to announce that you can now distribute your data and workload external to the Services Machine. The following services can be externalized; MongoDB, Redis, Nomad Server, RabbitMQ, Postgres and Vault. Please contact your CSM for the latest documentation.

New Feature Custom Metrics can now be accomplished via a Telegraf Output Configuration File. See the Custom Metrics section of the Monitoring section. Note: The Custom Metrics section in the admin UI been disabled in favor of a configuration file.

New Feature Users can now receive email notifications about Workflows

New Feature The PostgreSQL image has been updated to allow modifying the default configuration by creating the following file: /etc/circleconfig/postgres/extra.conf A list of configuration options can be found here.

Updated Removing EOL Banner on build emails

Updated VM Service stability improvements

Bug Fix Fix issue with contexts that would break after 32 days

Bug Fix Vault auth tokens will now renew periodically to prevent expiration

Bug Fix Fix for an issue where workflow listing pages would intermittently fail to render

Bug Fix We have fixed a small number of bugs affecting processing incoming web hooks from GitHub to CircleCI.

Bug Fix For installs that are using an HTTP or HTTPS proxy, the jobs will now ignore that proxy so that setup_remote_docker works.

Bug Fix Reduced the number of connections 1.0 builders make to the PostgreSQL database.

Security Fix Security fixes for potential cross-site scripting vulnerability and HTTP header injection vulnerability

Security Fix Forked PRs can no longer write the caches of parent projects by default for security reasons. It is possible to still write parent project caches from the fork if the “Pass secrets to builds from forked pull requests” (in Advanced settings) is enabled.

Update Improved metrics for VM provisioning for machine executor. This changed metric names, so if you are monitoring VM provisioning in your install already, you will need to reconfigure the monitoring dashboards for these new metrics.

  • New metrics:
    • vm-service.gauges.available-vms and vm-service.gauges.running-vms replaced by vm-service.gauges.vms_by_status
    • vm-service.gauges.running-tasks replaced by vm-service.gauges.tasks_by_status
    • vm-service.gauges.oldest-unassigned-task replaced by vm-service.gauges.unassigned_tasks_age
Known Issue(s)

When a saved context is removed during the build graph phase it can cause a silent failure during job execution.
In some instances the metrics section becomes hidden in the settings page. Please see this Knowledge article for instructions.

>Previous changes

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

Orbs Inside Orbs    

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

Usage Warning Fix