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Release 2.13.00

Jun 13, 2018


What’s New in Release 2.13*

  • Fixed: Due to a certificate not being imported jobs were unable to submit after a container restart.
  • Fixed: Stability issues within contexts service.
  • Fixed: vm-service issue where AWS ECS and EBS volumes were left used. Added better idempotent client retries, API eventual consistency handling.
  • Added: vm-service EBS Volumes cache evictor. Docker Layer Caching EBS volumes get deleted after 14 days of unused. You can control the inactivity period in Installation Admin Settings page.
  • Added: Periodic checks to scale down any unused long running instances (e.g. due to reduction in prescaling configurations, or or due to a bug preventing termination of VMs in timely manner).
  • Added: Optimizations to speed up provisioning. Resiliency to network/external changes.
  • CircleCI is excited to announce that users on AWS can now forward host (Services VM) and docker metrics via Telegraf , a plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics, to AWS CloudWatch. This is is the first step into bringing you greater observability into your installation. To enable and configure please go to In this release the following metrics may be enabled: Docker , Networking , Disk , Memory, and CPU. For more information please see the Monitoring documentation.
  • CircleCI is enhancing visibility by capturing usage statistics of CircleCI installations. This aggregate data will be used to better support you and ensure a smooth transition off 1.0. This optional feature is automatically available when you upgrade to the latest version of your installation or once a support bundle is downloaded. Below are the metrics being captured. If you would like access to this data in order to better understand your users please contact a CircleCI account representative. Please reference exhibit C within your terms of contract and our standard license agreement for our complete security and privacy disclosures. For more information please see the Usage Statistics documentation.

Weekly Account Usage

Name Type Purpose
account_id UUID Uniquely identifies each vcs account
usage_current_macos minutes For each account, track weekly builds performed in minutes.
usage_legacy_macos minutes  
usage_current_linux minutes  
usage_legacy_linux minutes  

Weekly Job Activity

Name Type Purpose
utc_week date Identifies which week the data below applies to
usage_oss_macos_legacy minutes Track builds performed by week
usage_oss_macos_current minutes  
usage_oss_linux_legacy minutes  
usage_oss_linux_current minutes  
usage_private_macos_legacy minutes  
usage_private_macos_current minutes  
usage_private_linux_legacy minutes  
usage_private_linux_current minutes  
new_projects_oss_macos_legacy sum Captures new Builds performed on 1.0. Observe if users are starting new projects on 1.0.
new_projects_oss_macos_current sum  
new_projects_oss_linux_legacy sum  
new_projects_oss_linux_current sum  
new_projects_private_macos_legacy sum  
new_projects_private_macos_current sum  
new_projects_private_linux_legacy sum  
new_projects_private_linux_current sum  
projects_oss_macos_legacy sum Captures Builds performed on 1.0 and 2.0. Observe if users are moving towards 2.0 or staying with 1.0.
projects_oss_macos_current sum  
projects_oss_linux_legacy sum  
projects_oss_linux_current sum  
projects_private_macos_legacy sum  
projects_private_macos_current sum  
projects_private_linux_legacy sum  
projects_private_linux_current sum  

* this release contains migrations and is a required upgrade

>Previous changes

Jun 04, 2018

Jun 04, 2018

Release 2.12.1    

May 29, 2018

May 29, 2018

Release 2.12.0