
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Jun 04, 2024

Jun 04, 2024

"Ask AI" button fixed in CircleCI Web App    

The “Ask AI” option in the CircleCI web app is now functioning as expected.

Jun 03, 2024

Jun 03, 2024

Minor fix to CircleCI web app    

The “Filter” button in the CircleCI web app overlapped with the “Pipelines” drop box on the “All Pipelines” page. This has been fixed.

Jun 02, 2024

Jun 02, 2024

Changes to CircleCI web app    

There have been several updates to the CircleCI web app

May 30, 2024

May 30, 2024

User homepage is now the default when navigating to CircleCI web app    

All users are now directed to when navigating to the CircleCI web app.

May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Linux images    

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Linux images now available for preview. The candidate images for amd64 and arm64 have been published as edge releases. Read the Discuss post.

May 27, 2024

May 27, 2024

Bug fix in CircleCI web app    

The org picker on the left-hand nav of the CircleCI web app had an issue where it was not rendering properly when a user selected the “Everyone’s Pipelines” dropdown on the “All Pipelines” page. This has now been fixed.

May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

Runner 3.0.22 Release    

For customers trying to find cost efficiencies in their runner environment we now support spot instances. The feature can also improve reliability when there are unexpected failures. It comes with some risks and we have documented risks and usage. This release also includes some enhancements and security fixes.

May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024

CircleCI VSCode Extension Windows images and resource classes bug fixed    

CircleCI’s VSCode extension had an issue where it would inconsistently auto-complete certain Windows resource classes & images. This has been fixed. Users do not need to update their VSCode Extension for the fix to be reflected.

May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024

Org picker in CircleCI web app correctly handles long org names    

Long org names are now truncated properly with an ellipses when shown in the left-hand nav’s org picker in the CircleCI web app.

May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024

Improved Releases onboarding experience    

Users getting started with Releases now have a new guided onboarding flow in the UI to make it easier to install and configure the Release Agent. This new experience simplifies some of the steps and provides instant feedback on whether steps have been successfully completed. With this improved onboarding experience, users can start seeing their releases more quickly.

May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024

"Follow x new" badge in CircleCI Web app has been removed    

To simplify the CircleCI web app’s user interface, we have removed the badge in the left-hand navigation that said “Follow x new” which indicated to users that new projects in their organization were available for following.

May 18, 2024

May 18, 2024

CircleCI Signup page now has a "Sign up with Bitbucket" option now has a “Sign up with Bitbucket” option.

May 18, 2024

May 18, 2024

CircleCI VSCode Extension v2.8.3 Released    

New release of the CircleCI VSCode extension. This fixes an issue where SSH reruns initiated from the CircleCI VSCode extension would intermittently fail.

May 16, 2024

May 16, 2024

Changes to the CircleCI Web App    

We have released changes to the CircleCI Web App including a new “User Homepage”, refreshed styling for our left-hand navigation bar, and a top navigation bar that provides shortcuts for user-level actions. To view these updates, log in or navigate directly to

For more details, visit our community forum.

May 16, 2024

May 16, 2024

Updated IP ranges for macOS    

A new range of IPs has been added to CircleCI’s macOS Cloud. See the latest IP ranges for macOS.

May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024

Coming Change for Jobs API and Pipelines UI Commit History    

In the past CircleCI has shown up to three commits for a specific pull request in the UI and returned in “all commit_details” for the jobs API. The commits in the UI linked back to the commit history in the VCS so users could review the commits from the source.

May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024

CircleCI VSCode Extension v2.8.2 Released    

New release of the CircleCI VSCode extension. This completes the fix of an issue with release 2.8.0 where workspace settings get updated without any action by the user.

May 09, 2024

May 09, 2024

Users now see correct page when logged in    

If a user is logged in to the CircleCI web application, they will now see the correct version of which includes a “Go to Application” button in the top-right corner. Previously, they would see a version of that had “Sign up” and “Login” buttons in the top-right corner.

May 09, 2024

May 09, 2024

Server Release 4.1.9 and 4.2.5    

Bug Fixes

  • fix for hardcoded smtp email in some services
  • CVE fixes for web-ui deployment
  • fix for duplicate volume in domain-service deployment

May 08, 2024

May 08, 2024

macOS orb version 2.5.0 available    

The newest macOS orb version 2.5.0 resolves an execution error, “AppleEvent timed out”, previously returned when using the add-safari-permissions command with Xcode 15.x images.

May 07, 2024

May 07, 2024

"Releases" tab now always shows up in left-hand navigation    

Previously, the “Releases” tab would not show in the left-hand navigation of the CircleCI web app when a user had selected “Projects” if the user was viewing an organization that integrated with CircleCI’s GitHub App or GitLab. This has been resolved and the “Releases” tab always shows up now.

May 07, 2024

May 07, 2024

CircleCI VSCode Extension v2.8.1 Release    

New release of the CircleCI VSCode extension. This fixes an issue with release 2.8.0 where workspace settings were updated without any action by the user.

May 06, 2024

May 06, 2024

GCP-CLI orb version 3.2.0 available    

GCP-CLI orb version 3.2.0 has been published. This version introduces support for Windows.

May 03, 2024

May 03, 2024

Flutter orb v2.0.4    

Flutter orb version 2.0.4 resolves an error installing the flutter SDK caused by an incorrect environment variable reference.

May 02, 2024

May 02, 2024

Disable SSH rerun button when no SSH keys present    

The “rerun job with SSH” button is now disabled if no SSH keys are detected. Previously, attempting to “rerun job with SSH” would result in a standard rerun if no SSH keys were detected.

May 02, 2024

May 02, 2024

CircleCI VSCode Extension v2.8.0 Release    

New release of the CircleCI VSCode extension. We are aware of an issue where workspace settings are being updated without any action by the user. We are in the process of resolving this issue.

May 02, 2024

May 02, 2024

Runner Release 3.0.21    

Container Runner:

  • Support the user key in the docker executor configuration. This allows you to execute task-agent with a different user than the image’s default. Due to limitations of the Kubernetes API, this feature has some caveats:
    • This key is only supported on the primary container. Service containers will continue to run as the default user.
    • Some user environment variables, such as $PATH, may be reset.
  • Further reduction in the memory footprint of Container Runner. This includes a fix for a memory leak that could cause the container-agent Pod to use excess memory and unexpectedly crash under certain workloads.
  • Fix for a bug that caused tokens for private AWS ECR images to be cached beyond their expiry, potentially causing image pull errors.

Both Machine and Container Runner:

  • Optimize the download and storage caching of new task agent versions.

Apr 30, 2024

Apr 30, 2024

Introduced an Evals Orb to orchestrate LLM evaluations    

The official CircleCI Evals Orb makes it easy to integrate LLM evaluations into a CI pipeline, and to review evaluation results without context switching. The output of evaluations run through the Evals Orb is stored in CircleCI, and is accessible as a job artifact and as a PR comment added automatically by CircleCI.

Apr 30, 2024

Apr 30, 2024

Server 4.5.0    

Before upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.5 release notes and upgrade guide for this release.

Apr 26, 2024

Apr 26, 2024

Updated copy for email invitation    

The copy in the email that a user receives when being invited to an organization that integrates with CircleCI’s GitHub App or GitLab has been updated for clarity.

Apr 25, 2024

Apr 25, 2024

Favicon fixed for CircleCI Web App    

The favicon for CircleCI’s web app should now always render a CircleCI icon.

Apr 25, 2024

Apr 25, 2024

Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows for GitHub App projects    

Projects integrated through GitHub App now support Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows.

Apr 24, 2024

Apr 24, 2024

Improved error experience when creating a project    

Previously, when users tried to connect their VCS with a GitHub account that was already linked to a separate CircleCI account, they would encounter a status 500 error. This would manifest in the CircleCI UI as an inability to list repositories on the form to create a project and the screen appeared frozen. Users that run into this scenario will now no longer see a frozen screen and instead be redirected to a page where they see an error message telling them remediation steps.

Apr 24, 2024

Apr 24, 2024

Hide Insights link when there is no data    

Apr 22, 2024

Apr 22, 2024

Return users to their previous step if they leave during setup and come back later    

If a user stops the onboarding process at either the onboarding survey, the “Connect Code” page, or the “Create Project” page; when they return back to CircleCI they will resume at the step where they stopped instead of starting again from the first step in the flow.

Apr 22, 2024

Apr 22, 2024

Removed support for Release Agent versions older than v1.0.0    

We have removed support for Release Agent versions older than v1.0.0. Users who haven’t updated their agent will no longer see their components or releases in the UI until they upgrade to the latest version.

Apr 19, 2024

Apr 19, 2024

Launch Agent 1.x Variants EOL    

We will end support for all 1.x variants of runner launch agent on July 31st 2024. It has been replaced with Machine Runner 3.0. You can learn more about machine runner and migration here.

Apr 18, 2024

Apr 18, 2024

New "trigger pipeline" parameter limits     

We are introducing parameter limits to improve responsiveness of the trigger pipeline API and limit potential abuse. The new limits will be as follows:

Apr 17, 2024

Apr 17, 2024

Open Policy Agent updated to v0.63    

Open policy agent for config policies has been bumped from v0.54 to v0.63.

Apr 17, 2024

Apr 17, 2024

Runner 3.0.20    

Note: If you are running CircleCI Server, you will need version 4.4.3 of server to take advantage of these runner features.

Apr 13, 2024

Apr 13, 2024

Server 4.4.3    

Change Log

  • updated task agent version
  • bug fixes for oidc-service

Apr 12, 2024

Apr 12, 2024

Release Agent 1.2.1 Release    


  • Add logs to capture previous rollout state
  • Fix invalid steps bug
  • Fix bug when executing commands when Argo Rollouts was missing

Apr 11, 2024

Apr 11, 2024

Introducing the Usage API    

Get access to all your CircleCI usage data via our Usage API.

Apr 10, 2024

Apr 10, 2024

Release Agent 1.2.0 Release    


  • Added support for proprietary labels and that will replace app and version. Currently the old labels are still supported, but it is recommended to migrate to the new ones as soon as possible, since support for them will be dropped in an upcoming releases. NOTE When migrating to the new and labels, rolling back to a version with the old app and version labels is supported only if the deployment or rollout is managed by Helm.
  • Fixed an issue with rollbacks failing when the deployment was managed by Argo Rollout and Helm was not being used.

Apr 10, 2024

Apr 10, 2024

Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows for Gitlab Projects    

Gitlab projects now support Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows. Reducing spend and queuing for highly active projects. For more information on see our documentation.

Apr 08, 2024

Apr 08, 2024

Duplicate check for org naming is now case insensitive    

Orgs that integrate with CircleCI’s GitHub App or GitLab had a check to ensure that the name being submitted did not already exist. We have modified this from being an exact check to a check that ignores the case.

For example, if an org named ‘test org’ has already been created, another org named ‘Test Org’ will not be permitted.

Apr 04, 2024

Apr 04, 2024

New projects will handle commit statuses for job names with "/" characters correctly    

If a job name contains a “/” character (ie. “foo/bar”), CircleCI will correctly set the VCS commit status for the full job name as opposed to only the part after the “/”. This update applies to new projects created on or after April 5, 2024. Projects created before April 5, 2024 are not impacted.

If your project was created before April 5, 2024 and your job name has a “/” in its name, email to have the new behavior enabled for your project.

Mar 29, 2024

Mar 29, 2024

Update on joining GitHub OAuth and Bitbucket integrated organizations    

We have removed the ability to generate in-app invites for GitHub OAuth and Bitbucket integrated organizations. Users trying to join existing CircleCI organizations with a GitHub OAuth or Bitbucket integration will no longer need an invitation from an existing team member.

For more information on the updated steps, see our documentation.

Mar 28, 2024

Mar 28, 2024

Config compile time improvements    

We have optimized config compilation, with up to 40% improvement in compilation times for very large configs.

Mar 27, 2024

Mar 27, 2024

Improvements to the project and trigger creation experiences for projects connected to GitHub App    

Following the adoption of HTTPS checkout in place of SSH-based checkout for projects that connect to GitHub App, the project creation page and the trigger creation page have been updated so users are no longer required to enter a SSH key.