
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Log Downloads Feature    

What’s New

For customers with large logs, there’s now a way to open the log file in a separate browser in addition to to downloading the file.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Plan Display Updates (December 2018)    

What’s New

  • Plan Usage now shows the number of DLC projects and Active Users for the billing period for Performance customers.

What’s Fixed

  • For customers on Manually Invoiced OSX plan, your plan type will now properly display on the Plan Overview page.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Performance Improvement    

What’s New

For customers with many branches, the branch picker will now load only a subset of branches to improve performance.

What’s Fixed

Insights tab will now load properly when visiting from jobs, workflows, or settings tabs.

Dec 17, 2018

Dec 17, 2018

Release 2.16.00    

Fill out this form to receive updates about CircleCI through email.

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

Orbs Inside Orbs    

What’s New

Orb elements can now be composed directly with elements of other orbs. For example, you can now have an orb that looks like the following:

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

Usage Warning Fix    

What’s Fixed

The usage warning banner for Free users has been updated to exclude build minutes from OSS projects.

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

My Branches Fix    

What’s Fixed

The My Branches button on the Jobs or Workflows pages has been fixed to display all relevant branches.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

CircleCI is 33% Faster    

What’s New

  • CircleCI infrastructure upgrades have improved build times by 33%.
  • The free tier will change from 1500 to 1000 minutes on December 1st, 2018.
  • Notifications have been updated reflect the 1,000-minute free plan, so you can project your future usage needs.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

Xcode 10.1 Image Availability    

What’s New

  • Xcode 10.1 macOS image has been released for CircleCI.
  • Select the image by adding the following to a job in your .circleci/config.yml file:
  xcode: 10.1.0
  • Xcode is now version 10.1 Build 10B61.
  • The Command Line Tools are now version 10.1.
  • This image upgrades to the latest macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G3025).
  • This image removes the simulators for WatchOS 4.2.
  • The system Ruby is unchanged at 2.3.7p456, but Ruby 2.4.5 and 2.5.3 are now available by using chruby.
  • This image removes the additional Ruby 2.3.7 that was available to chruby.
  • NodeJS is now version 11.0.0
  • Yarn is now 1.12.1.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

Insights and Workflows Improvements    

What’s Fixed

  • Insights now supports branch names with slashes in them.
  • Workflows list page now supports displaying git tags.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

Workflow Notifications    

What’s New

  • Basic workflow notifications are now available.
  • If you have workflows configured as part of your project, you will start receiving workflow-level email notifications.
  • Refer to the Notifications document for details.

Nov 07, 2018

Nov 07, 2018

CircleCI Orbs General Availability    

What’s New

Orbs are packages of CircleCI configuration shared across projects. Orbs help you simplify YAML configuration, enable you to build on top of CircleCI, and support sharing of standardized configurations across your projects.

Oct 16, 2018

Oct 16, 2018

GitHub Checks is now supported    

What’s New

  • CircleCI now integrates with the GitHub Checks API, so you can see the status of your CircleCI workflows under the Pull Request Checks tab in the GitHub UI. For more information, see CircleCI Docs.

Oct 12, 2018

Oct 12, 2018

New Docs Search and Org Switcher Update    

What’s New

  • The Documentation search bar has been completely redesigned and improved to provide a full page of aggregate results, see CircleCI Docs.

Oct 09, 2018

Oct 09, 2018

Release 2.15.00    

Fill out this form to receive updates about CircleCI through email.

Sep 28, 2018

Sep 28, 2018

New Orb CLI Commands, New Plan Views, New API Doc    

What’s New

  • The CircleCI CLI command orb list now has an optional flag, --json, that provides machine-readable output. In addition, the CLI command orb source has been updated to allow you to pull any version, including dev versions, for example:
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@dev:foo
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@1.2.3
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@volatile
  • Cloud Performance plans have been updated to display multiple periods of usage data on the Settings page.

Sep 21, 2018

Sep 21, 2018

Reusable Commands and Executors, Xcode 10 Image, and macOS Plan Settings Updates    

What’s New

  • CircleCI 2.1 config keys are now available for reusing commands, executors, and parameters to simplify your .circleci/config.yml file. See the Reusing Config document for examples and instructions. Refer to the Configuring CircleCI reference for 2.1 syntax requirements.

Sep 14, 2018

Sep 14, 2018

New Project Default, Switch CLI Prompt, Plan Updates, and Disabled Fixed Notification    

What’s New

  • New projects are now created with 2.0 config by default and have Build Processing enabled.

Aug 31, 2018

Aug 31, 2018

Jobs Page Rerun Workflow button, EOL 1.0, and CircleCI Docs Menu Updates    

What’s New

  • A Rerun workflow from beginning button is now on the Jobs page.

Aug 16, 2018

Aug 16, 2018

Performance Plan Overview Includes Number of Projects with DLC Enabled    

What’s New

  • Performance customers can now see the number of active projects with DLC enabled on the Plan Overview page.

Aug 16, 2018

Aug 16, 2018

Auto-Cancel Workflow Builds, Updated CLI, and Plans Page Updates    

What’s New

Aug 10, 2018

Aug 10, 2018

Enable Build Processing, New API Endpoint for Triggering Projects with Workflows, and Performance Fix    

What’s New

  • It is possible to trigger workflows with the CircleCI API using a new endpoint. See the Trigger a Build by Project section of the CircleCI API Projects Documentation.
    • You must go to your Project Settings in the CircleCI app to Enable Build Processing (preview) as a prerequisite for using this endpoint.
    • IMPORTANT – This endpoint does not yet support the build_parameters options that the job-triggering endpoint supports.
    • You may safely go back by disabling the radio button for this feature on your Advanced Settings for your project if jobs or workflows fail the new build processing.

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved a known performance issue which caused a frozen page for organizations with many branches.

Aug 02, 2018

Aug 02, 2018

Workflows Improvements, Active Users View, and Alerts    

What’s New

  • The Workflows page of the CircleCI app now displays the username associated with rerunning a workflow, approving a job, or cancelling a job.

Jul 25, 2018

Jul 25, 2018

Xcode 9.4.1, Plan Overview page updates, and Bug Fixes    

What’s New

  • The Xcode 9.4.1 image was released on CircleCI 2.0. To select version 9.4.1 for a job, add the following to your .circleci/config.yml file:
          xcode: "9.4.1"
  • If you are on the Performance Plan, you can now view available credits on the Plan Overview page of your Organization Settings in the CircleCI app.


  • Fixed a known issue with the CircleCI workflows UI due to . period character in the workflows name.

Jul 19, 2018

Jul 19, 2018

Release 2.14.01    

This patch release fixes an issue introduced in 2.14.0. Please review the fix(es):

Fixed: Docker executor does not support configurable resource classes.

Jul 19, 2018

Jul 19, 2018

Build Service and Config as Code    

What’s New

Preview of improved builds service

CircleCI has developed an improved builds service that is ready for preview. The improved build service is the first step to a healthy roadmap of parameterized commands, config reuse across projects, improved DRY support, and better error reporting.

Jul 17, 2018

Jul 17, 2018

Release 2.14.00    

What’s New in Release 2.14

This release contains service migrations for contexts and is a required upgrade. The following updates and fixes are also of note:

Jul 12, 2018

Jul 12, 2018

Improved Config Schema Error Transparency    

What’s New

With 2.0 you can do a lot more with the config.yml file. However, there are those times when edits result in schema errors. The CircleCI config processor now creates and returns a specialized Job that references the specific schema error(s) in the Job list.

Jul 05, 2018

Jul 05, 2018

Support for Test Splitting with Workflows    

What’s New

The following features and additions are now available.

Jun 13, 2018

Jun 13, 2018

Release 2.13.00    

What’s New in Release 2.13*

  • Fixed: Due to a certificate not being imported jobs were unable to submit after a container restart.
  • Fixed: Stability issues within contexts service.
  • Fixed: vm-service issue where AWS ECS and EBS volumes were left used. Added better idempotent client retries, API eventual consistency handling.

Jun 04, 2018

Jun 04, 2018

Release 2.12.1    

The installable version of CircleCI v2.12.1 fixes an issue introduced in 2.12.0. GitHub cloud integrations were unable to create new contexts.

May 29, 2018

May 29, 2018

Release 2.12.0    

The installable version of CircleCI v2.12.0 fixes an issue in which an error occurs when uploading artifacts to S3 by updating AWS SDK for Java from v1.10.69 to v1.11.328.

May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018

Release 2.11.0    

This release fixes an issue with overwriting the known_hosts.local file. The fix allows keys to remain and enables the CircleCI upgrade process to append keys.

May 07, 2018

May 07, 2018

Release 2.10.0    

The installable version of CircleCI v2.10.0 fixes an issue in which jobs were unable to submit after a container restart due to the certificate not being imported.

Apr 17, 2018

Apr 17, 2018

Release 2.9.0    

The installable version of CircleCI Server 2.9.0 includes the following improvements and bug fixes:

Apr 05, 2018

Apr 05, 2018

Xcode 9.3 available on CircleCI 2.0 for macOS    

We have released the Xcode 9.3 image on CircleCI 2.0. Add the following to your .circleci/config.yml file to select that version of Xcode in your jobs:

  xcode: "9.3.0"

Apr 02, 2018

Apr 02, 2018

Release 2.8.0    

The installable version of CircleCI 2.8.0 includes the following fixes and improvements:

Mar 19, 2018

Mar 19, 2018

Release 2.7.0    

The installable version of CircleCI 2.7.0 includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • Improvements to remote Docker instance provisioning and cleanup on AWS.

Feb 26, 2018

Feb 26, 2018

Release 2.6.0    

The installable version of CircleCI 2.6.0 includes the following fixes and improvements:

Feb 08, 2018

Feb 08, 2018

Support for Multiple Contexts    

It is now possible to create multiple Contexts in the Organization Settings of the CircleCI app. See the Contexts documentation for details and naming conventions.

Feb 05, 2018

Feb 05, 2018

Release 2.5.0    

The installable version of CircleCI 2.5.0 includes the following fixes and improvements:

Jan 22, 2018

Jan 22, 2018

Release 2.4.0    

The installable version of CircleCI 2.4.0 includes the following improvements and changes:

Dec 07, 2017

Dec 07, 2017

Release 2.2.0    

The installable version of CircleCI 2.2.0 includes the following improvements and changes:

Dec 07, 2017

Dec 07, 2017

Xcode 9.2 available on CircleCI 2.0 for macOS    

We have released the Xcode 9.2 image on CircleCI 2.0. Add the following to your .circleci/config.yml file to select that version of Xcode in your jobs:

  xcode: "9.2.0"

Nov 14, 2017

Nov 14, 2017

CircleCI 2.0 for macOS General Availability    

The release of CircleCI 2.0 for macOS enables your iOS projects to benefit from the significant performance, stability, and reliability improvements in the CircleCI 2.0 platform, including the following new features:

Nov 11, 2017

Nov 11, 2017

Docker Layer Caching in Machine Executor    

Docker Layer Caching is now available as a premium feature for the machine executor. Refer to the Docker layer Caching in Machine Executor section for instructions.

Oct 26, 2017

Oct 26, 2017

Rerun Button Change on the Jobs Page    

The button on the Jobs page has changed for jobs that run as part of a workflow. The rebuild options that are not compatible with Workflows have been removed from the button on the Jobs page. Jobs that ran as part of a workflow will only include the Rerun Job with SSH button on the Jobs page.

To rerun a job that ran as part of a workflow, you must navigate to the Workflows page of the CircleCI application and either rerun your entire Workflow or rerun your Workflow from failed jobs.

Oct 17, 2017

Oct 17, 2017

Scheduled Workflows    

This feature enables Workflows to run on a configurable schedule. Refer to the Scheduling a Workflow section of the Orchestrating Workflows document for instructions and examples. Reference information for syntax is available in the triggers section of the Writing Jobs With Steps document and answers to common questions are documented in the Workflows section of the Migration FAQ.

Oct 02, 2017

Oct 02, 2017

Release 2.1.1    

  • Fix setting for certain proxy configurations.

Sep 26, 2017

Sep 26, 2017

Release 2.1.0    

  • Added support for 2.0 builders to use object storage other than S3 (mirroring the options from the 1.x releases).
  • Support for private images in docker jobs, including support for ECR authentication.
  • New VM service and build agent to address certain situations that resulted in build infrastructure failures.
  • Better accommodations for using proxies throughout the core infrastructure.