
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Mar 26, 2020

Mar 26, 2020

Xcode 11.4 GM Image Released    

What’s New

Xcode 11.4 (GM) image is released. Read more here.

Mar 25, 2020

Mar 25, 2020

Xcode 11.4 Image Updated    

What’s New

Xcode 11.4 image has been updated. Read more [here]

Mar 20, 2020

Mar 20, 2020

URL for Onboarding Pages Updated    

What’s New

URLs for onboarding pages have been consolidated for security and improved usability. They now follow this structure:

Mar 19, 2020

Mar 19, 2020

URL for Settings Pages Updated in the New UI    

What’s New

URLs for Settings pages have been consolidated for security and improved usability. They now follow this structure:

Mar 16, 2020

Mar 16, 2020

Scheduled Workflows Now Shown as Pipelines    

What’s New

Scheduled workflows are now available as pipelines in both the new UI, and the API.

Mar 12, 2020

Mar 12, 2020

Queue Time and Wait Time Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

Wait and queue times can now be accessed for each job in the new UI. Hover over the i next to the Duration at the top of the job details page, and the wait time and queue time appear as a tooltip. This information has been added to the new UI to make it easier to get information on edge-case failures in your pipelines.

Mar 09, 2020

Mar 09, 2020

Updated URL Structure for New UI    

What’s New

The new UI URL sub-domain structure has been updated for improved security and usability. The new structure makes it easier for developers to interact with URLs like breadcrumb items.

Mar 06, 2020

Mar 06, 2020

Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 Image Now Available    

What’s New

Read more in our Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 image announcement.

Mar 04, 2020

Mar 04, 2020

Legacy Jobs View Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

The Legacy Jobs view in the new UI provides an overview for all jobs, regardless of whether they have pipeline processing enabled. We are aiming to move all customers over to pipeline processing, and this view has been added to provide the information you need for all projects during this transition period. Access the Legacy Jobs view at the end of the Pipelines List page.

Mar 03, 2020

Mar 03, 2020

March Docker Convenience Image Updates    

What’s New

Read the March update on CircleCI Docker Convenience Images here.

Feb 24, 2020

Feb 24, 2020

Find (CMD+F) Now Working in the New UI    

What’s New

As we build the new UI, faster page-load is important to us. We initially built the Step Output section to load with react-virtualized, meaning that only the visible rows were rendered. This allowed us to show colorized output with an even faster load/scrolling time than the old UI. In theory it was brilliant, in practice it broke the ability to use native browser search tools like CMD+F to find specific words before or after the rendered text. During user research, we watched many CircleCI users attempt to CMD+F in the Step Output, and not find what we were looking for. As a result we pulled out react-virtualized and enhanced colorized output from the step output. Color we can compromise on, usability we cannot.

Feb 23, 2020

Feb 23, 2020

February Docker Convenience Images Updates    

What’s New

Next-generation Go image, and new base image are now stable. Read more on the Discuss post.

Feb 21, 2020

Feb 21, 2020

Resource Class Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

Resource type and class is now displayed in the new UI for each job. This helps customers optimize pipelines, debug runs that fail due to lack of resources, and identify projects that could build faster with a different resource class.

Feb 14, 2020

Feb 14, 2020

Project Setting Now Live in the New UI    

What’s New

The redesigned Project Settings page is now available in the new UI. Change SSH keys, Environment variables, API permissions, JIRA integrations, and more.

Jan 30, 2020

Jan 30, 2020

Deploy to Windows Containers with the Updated Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Orb    

What’s New

With this update, CircleCI users can deploy directly from their CI/CD pipeline to Windows containers. Read Google’s announcement here.

Visit the GKE orb page for more information.

Jan 16, 2020

Jan 16, 2020

Xcode 11.3.1 available on CircleCI    

What’s New

Customers on the Performance plan and macOS plan can now build using Xcode 11.3.1. See our iOS documentation for the details of software installed in this new image.

Jan 08, 2020

Jan 08, 2020

Organization Settings Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

The Organization Settings page in the New UI is now live. Organization Settings include contexts, environment variables, security permissions, and VCS integrations.

Jan 02, 2020

Jan 02, 2020

Latest Commit Message Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

The latest commit message for each pipline is now visible on the Pipelines overview page to make identification easier.

Dec 12, 2019

Dec 12, 2019

Page Through Older Pipelines in New UI    

What’s New

You can now page through older Pipelines using the See More button at the bottom of the Pipelines Page in the new UI. Up until now only the last 20 Pipelines were available. Please note that due to API contraints, paging through older Pipelines will disable the live update of currently running Pipelines on the page.

Dec 12, 2019

Dec 12, 2019

Release 2.18.03    

What’s New in Release 2.18.03


Following our release of Windows support on the hosted offering of CircleCI, running VM-based jobs in Windows environments is now supported on CircleCI Server instances running in AWS.

Dec 06, 2019

Dec 06, 2019

Branch and My Pipelines Filters Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

Branch and “My Pipelines” filter options are now available in the new UI. Both are easily accessible at the top of the Pipelines page. Filter options now include:

Dec 05, 2019

Dec 05, 2019

Workflow Rerun and Cancel Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

You can now cancel and rerun workflows from the Workflow Detail page. Previously this functionality was only available from the Job Detail page. This change was made after data analysis indicated that most users were rerunning workflows from the workflow level rather than the job level on the old UI.

Nov 22, 2019

Nov 22, 2019

Manual Approval Functionality Available in the New UI    

What’s New

Manual approval of hold jobs is now fully functional in the new UI. To approve a job, click the name of your workflow from either the Job Detail page breadcrumb, or the Pipelines List page to navigate to the Workflow Map. You will see the approval job has a purple status icon. Click the job and a button will pop-up to confirm approval.

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019

New Compatibility Options for CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL    

What’s New

Version 2 config with pipelines enabled will now automatically have the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL injected into the job configuration. Previously, if you referenced CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL in a version 2 config, then turned on pipelines, it would disappear. This fixes that issue. For version 2.1 config we do not automatically inject CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL. Instead, we have exposed metadata about the pipeline for you to use more granularly. Mosts users end up parsing out CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL, so instead we did that work for you. In version 2.1 config you can now do the following:

Nov 15, 2019

Nov 15, 2019

Workflows Graph Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

The workflows graph is now available in the new UI, with improvements in the way job connectivity is displayed, compared to the old workflows graph. This core feature displays a visual representation of how jobs fit together within your workflow.

Nov 12, 2019

Nov 12, 2019

All Rerun Options are Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

All rerun options - Rerun Workflow, Rerun Workflow from Failed, and Rerun Job with SSH – are now available from the Job Details page in the new UI.

Oct 24, 2019

Oct 24, 2019

Configuration Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

You can now access your configuration files, both pre-processing and post-processing, from the new UI, when opted in. The config file links are available from both the Job Details page at the top right, and the Pipelines list page via the 3-dot drop-down menu.

Oct 24, 2019

Oct 24, 2019

Automatic opt-in to new UI    

What’s New

After loads of great feedback we have determined our Job Details page in the new UI now adds far more value than the old UI equivalent. We are beginning to automatically opt-in customers who will benefit most from the new view – those who primarily use the Job Details page (as opposed to needing the Workflows Map). A welcome message will be displayed on arrival and you can opt-out at any time.

Oct 24, 2019

Oct 24, 2019

MacOS 10.15 Catalina image and Xcode 11.2 Beta 2 is Released    

What’s New

We’ve released our first macOS 10.15 Catalina image along with Xcode 11.2 Beta 2. Read our discuss post for more on highlights and usage.

Oct 22, 2019

Oct 22, 2019

User Settings Now Available on New UI    

What’s New

You will soon be able to access User Settings from within the new UI experience when opted in. Everyone will have access by the end of next week. Just click on your profile icon at the bottom of the left-hand panel to view User Settings.

Oct 11, 2019

Oct 11, 2019

Performance Plan Refill Changes    

What’s New

If you are on the Performance Plan, you will start to see refill amounts changing at the next billing date. Based on feedback about a high number of charges for refills, the refill amount has been increased from 10% to 25%. The refill will automatically be attempted when the plan reaches 10% of credits remaining.

Sep 27, 2019

Sep 27, 2019

Xcode 11.0 and 11.1 available on CircleCI    

What’s New

Customers on the Performance plan and macOS plan can now build using Xcode 11.0 (as of Sep 20th) and Xcode 11.1 (as of Sep 26th). Please see our iOS documentation for the details of software installed in these new images.

Sep 13, 2019

Sep 13, 2019

Artifacts in new UI    

What’s New

You can now find Artifacts the new UI Job Details page. We started with a flat list after numerous customer interviews. It’s no surprise that “find” is our friend. We will eventually build a search bar to filter artifacts - but hey, cntrl-f is easy. Please give it a whirl and share your feedback.

Sep 09, 2019

Sep 09, 2019

Job Details Page Updates    

What’s New

Select users with pipelines enabled on their projects will see a banner on the Job Details page that enables opt-in to the experimental new UI as it is being built. This new UI includes the following:

Sep 03, 2019

Sep 03, 2019

Plan Overview Page Updates    

What’s Fixed

Invoiced Linux container plan customers will see their plan properly listed as Manually Invoiced on the Plan Overview page.

Aug 16, 2019

Aug 16, 2019

Enforcement of Available Seats in Plan    

What’s New

When no additional user seats are left in your plan, new users will be blocked from initiating jobs.

Aug 15, 2019

Aug 15, 2019

Plan Usage Page Updates    

What’s New

For Free plans, the Plan Usage page has been updated to provide you with more visibility into how you’re using the product. The total number of build minutes and users now appears on the along with the breakdown of usage by projects and a list of users for each month.

Build minutes and corresponding credits were also added to the page to help you understand your credit usage if you choose to upgrade to the Performance plan.

Feb 08, 2019

Feb 08, 2019

New SSH Key Error Message    

What’s New

An error message is now returned if adding an SSH key fails.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Plan Display Updates (December 2018)    

What’s New

  • Plan Usage now shows the number of DLC projects and Active Users for the billing period for Performance customers.

What’s Fixed

  • For customers on Manually Invoiced OSX plan, your plan type will now properly display on the Plan Overview page.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Performance Improvement    

What’s New

For customers with many branches, the branch picker will now load only a subset of branches to improve performance.

What’s Fixed

Insights tab will now load properly when visiting from jobs, workflows, or settings tabs.

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

Usage Warning Fix    

What’s Fixed

The usage warning banner for Free users has been updated to exclude build minutes from OSS projects.

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

My Branches Fix    

What’s Fixed

The My Branches button on the Jobs or Workflows pages has been fixed to display all relevant branches.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

CircleCI is 33% Faster    

What’s New

  • CircleCI infrastructure upgrades have improved build times by 33%.
  • The free tier will change from 1500 to 1000 minutes on December 1st, 2018.
  • Notifications have been updated reflect the 1,000-minute free plan, so you can project your future usage needs.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

Xcode 10.1 Image Availability    

What’s New

  • Xcode 10.1 macOS image has been released for CircleCI.
  • Select the image by adding the following to a job in your .circleci/config.yml file:
  xcode: 10.1.0
  • Xcode is now version 10.1 Build 10B61.
  • The Command Line Tools are now version 10.1.
  • This image upgrades to the latest macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G3025).
  • This image removes the simulators for WatchOS 4.2.
  • The system Ruby is unchanged at 2.3.7p456, but Ruby 2.4.5 and 2.5.3 are now available by using chruby.
  • This image removes the additional Ruby 2.3.7 that was available to chruby.
  • NodeJS is now version 11.0.0
  • Yarn is now 1.12.1.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

Insights and Workflows Improvements    

What’s Fixed

  • Insights now supports branch names with slashes in them.
  • Workflows list page now supports displaying git tags.

Nov 09, 2018

Nov 09, 2018

Workflow Notifications    

What’s New

  • Basic workflow notifications are now available.
  • If you have workflows configured as part of your project, you will start receiving workflow-level email notifications.
  • Refer to the Notifications document for details.

Oct 12, 2018

Oct 12, 2018

New Docs Search and Org Switcher Update    

What’s New

  • The Documentation search bar has been completely redesigned and improved to provide a full page of aggregate results, see CircleCI Docs.

Sep 21, 2018

Sep 21, 2018

Reusable Commands and Executors, Xcode 10 Image, and macOS Plan Settings Updates    

What’s New

  • CircleCI 2.1 config keys are now available for reusing commands, executors, and parameters to simplify your .circleci/config.yml file. See the Reusing Config document for examples and instructions. Refer to the Configuring CircleCI reference for 2.1 syntax requirements.

Aug 31, 2018

Aug 31, 2018

Jobs Page Rerun Workflow button, EOL 1.0, and CircleCI Docs Menu Updates    

What’s New

  • A Rerun workflow from beginning button is now on the Jobs page.

Jul 25, 2018

Jul 25, 2018

Xcode 9.4.1, Plan Overview page updates, and Bug Fixes    

What’s New

  • The Xcode 9.4.1 image was released on CircleCI 2.0. To select version 9.4.1 for a job, add the following to your .circleci/config.yml file:
          xcode: "9.4.1"
  • If you are on the Performance Plan, you can now view available credits on the Plan Overview page of your Organization Settings in the CircleCI app.


  • Fixed a known issue with the CircleCI workflows UI due to . period character in the workflows name.