
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020

Type-To-Search Functionality Now Available for Projects Dropdown in the New UI    

What’s New

You can now type to search for the project you need in the project selection dropdown on the Pipelines page.

May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

Share and Transfer Plan Settings in New UI    

What’s New

Roll out of the Share and Transfer Plan settings page has started in the new UI, making it easier for you to share, unshare and transfer plans.

May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

Branch Filtering now available in New UI    

What’s New

You can now type to search for the branch you need on the pipelines page.

May 07, 2020

May 07, 2020

CircleCI Status Icon now in New UI    

What’s New

The new UI now includes a link to the status site. In case of incidents, this icon will update to yellow (degraded), orange (parial outage) or red (outage).

May 07, 2020

May 07, 2020

Help Icon now in New UI    

What’s New

There is now a “help” icon and button on the main navigation of the new UI. When expanded, this menu includes links to Docs, Discuss, Support, Premium Support, Orbs and Feature requests.

May 06, 2020

May 06, 2020

New API v2 Job Approval Endpoint    

What’s New

You can now approve jobs with API v2. The new endpoint is POST /api/v2/workflow/:workflow-id/approve/:approval-request-id. The approval request id is the ID of a pending approval job, which will also be returned as an approval_request_id on approval jobs returned by the API. For more information see the API v2 docs.

Apr 23, 2020

Apr 23, 2020

Colorization of Step Output Returns to the New UI    

What’s New

Colorized loading of step output has returned to the new UI on the Job Details page up to 6000 ANSI words.

Apr 22, 2020

Apr 22, 2020

Slack Orb integration is Back in New UI Project Settings    

What’s New

Slack has been a powerful way for orgs to get status updates and custom alerts. We’ve brought it back in the new UI under Project Settings to aid users to solve their problems more efficiently while remaining in their Slack workflow.

Apr 17, 2020

Apr 17, 2020

Recent and Failed Pipelines Auto-Open in New UI    

What’s New

When viewing the Pipelines page, the most recent pipeline and any failed pipelines will be auto expanded to show the jobs that ran. This gives a quicker route to accessing job step output.

Apr 17, 2020

Apr 17, 2020

Tests Run/Failed Displayed in Tab    

What’s New

The Test Summary tab on the Job Details page in the New UI now displays green when tests pass, and red for failures. The number of tests run, or number of failed tests is also displayed.

Apr 16, 2020

Apr 16, 2020

Max Parallelism Now Displayed in New UI    

What’s New

Previously, the number of parallel runs in use was displayed, now both this and the maximum available are shown. You can also hover over the adjacent information icon for further information.

Apr 09, 2020

Apr 09, 2020

Page Load Time Improvements on the New UI Job Page    

What’s New

We have decreased the first meaningful paint time down to 1.96 seconds and improved load-time perception for the job detail page in the new UI.

Apr 07, 2020

Apr 07, 2020

RAM Disks    

What’s New

We are now making a RAM disk available for our Docker executor at /mnt/ramdisk. This has the potential to significantly speed up certain types of build. For usage, please check the docs.

Apr 06, 2020

Apr 06, 2020

Artifacts Redirects    

What’s New

All non-HTML build artifacts on CircleCI now redirect to short-lived pre-signed cloud storage URLs. This change has been made to improve the performance of our artifacts hosting.

Mar 27, 2020

Mar 27, 2020

Job Approval from the Pipelines List in New UI    

What’s New

You can now manually unblock an approval job from the Pipelines List page in the new UI. Originally this functionality was only available from the Workflows map. Read more about approval jobs here.

Mar 25, 2020

Mar 25, 2020

Email Notification for Scheduled Workflows    

What’s New

If any of your scheduled workflows become unscheduled for any reason, you will now be notified by email.

Mar 12, 2020

Mar 12, 2020

Autocommit and Config Editor Now Live    

What’s New

Autocommit is a new feature that allows you to commit a sample language-specific config direct to a new branch on your repo when adding a project, making it even quicker to start building on CircleCI. You can also edit the config prior to committing. These features are in addition to the option to manually commit a config file.

Mar 12, 2020

Mar 12, 2020

Dynamic Language Sidebar on Project Setup    

What’s New

When adding a new project to CircleCI, the project dashboard sidebar now dynamically displays language-specific docs and guides to help you get started quickly and get the most out of the service.

Mar 02, 2020

Mar 02, 2020

Administrator Permissions Changes    

What’s New

CircleCI is making changes for a stricter permissions access. Going forward only GitHub administrators will be able to view and access the following pages in the CircleCI application:

Feb 29, 2020

Feb 29, 2020

Manage Contexts With the CLI    

What’s New

You can now show, create, delete and list Contexts via the CircleCI CLI. Run circleci update to get access to this new Context functionality.

Feb 28, 2020

Feb 28, 2020

New UI navigational breadcrumb Now Includes Project and Branch Name    

What’s New

Project and branch names are now included in the navigational breadcrumb trail in the new UI, placing essential pipeline information in view and making it quicker and easier to navigate to the pages you need.

Feb 27, 2020

Feb 27, 2020

Improved Artifacts Hosting    

What’s New

The way build artifacts are hosted is changing to improve performance. Read our Discuss post for further details.

Feb 24, 2020

Feb 24, 2020

Pipelines Functionality Rollout    

What’s New

From March 9, 2020, CircleCI will begin to enable pipelines for all projects. A pipeline contains all of the workflows (and the jobs inside those workflows) that CircleCI runs after a trigger on your project. A pipeline can be triggered by a pull request, a commit, or even an API call. Read more on our Discuss post.

Feb 18, 2020

Feb 18, 2020

API v2 Insights Endpoints Available at Job Level    

What’s New

Get job run data, including status, credits, and duration, for each individual job within a workflow. More info here.

Feb 13, 2020

Feb 13, 2020

Release 2.19.00    

What’s New in Release 2.19.00


  • Before upgrading to Server v2.19 your Nomad launch configuration must be updated by following this guide. Server v2.19 uses Nomad version 0.9.3, so if you have externalized Nomad, contact your support engineer before upgrading.

New Features

Feb 03, 2020

Feb 03, 2020

Machine XL, Machine 2XL, Windows 2XL Resources Now Available on Performance Plan    

What’s New

The following resource classes are now available to customers on the Performance plan: XL and 2XL for the Machine executor, and 2XL for the Windows executor.

Nov 28, 2019

Nov 28, 2019

Transferring Plans Now Works for Performance Plan    

What’s New

We have fixed a bug that was preventing folks on Performance Plans from transfering ownership to another plan. Please note only org admins can transfer plans.

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019

New Ways to try Pipelines on a Branch    

What’s New

You can now try out Pipelines on an individual branch before switching your whole project over. There are two ways to try this — 1) If you use config version 2.1 your run will now automatically trigger a pipeline. 2) If you want to keep your version 2 config you can use a new key pipelines under experimental in your config.yml it would look like the following:

  pipelines: true

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019

Pipeline Values Now Available in your Configuration    

What’s New

New pipeline metadata values can be referenced in your 2.1 configuration. Unlike CIRCLE_ environment values, these pipeline values are available at config processing time, so you could choose to use them in your configuration superstructure outside of jobs. For example, you could use pipeline values as strings for your working_directory or your image key under a job. Read more in our Pipeline Variables guide.

Nov 04, 2019

Nov 04, 2019

Secret Masking Enabled for All    

What’s New

Secret masking has now been enabled for 100% of our customers. To read more about the new secret masking feature, read our blog post.

Oct 11, 2019

Oct 11, 2019

Windows Now Available in Free Plan    

What’s New

If you are on a CircleCI Free plan, you may now access the Windows compute type. To access Windows, add the specification in your .circleci/config.yml file. Refer to the Hello World Windows document for instructions.

Oct 11, 2019

Oct 11, 2019

Change to Seat Blocking for OSS Builds    

What’s New

If you are running OSS builds, you may continue doing so, even if all user seats are filled.

Sep 24, 2019

Sep 24, 2019

New UI Updates    

What’s New

  • Cancel Button in the New UI For users opted-in to the New UI experience, jobs can now be cancelled from the Job Detail page.

Sep 13, 2019

Sep 13, 2019

New Command to List and Unlist Orbs    

What’s New

To unlist your published orbs from the registry, use the new circleci orb unlist CLI command. For details, refer to the help page. Unlisted orbs remain world-readable when referenced by name but will not appear in the search results of the orb registry. Unlisted orbs can be listed again using the circleci orb unlist <namespace/orb> false command.

Sep 13, 2019

Sep 13, 2019

Streamlined macOS Image Delivery    

What’s New

We know how painful it is to have delays in Xcode image availability. We’ve been working to reduce the often 2-3 week delay as we validate security, availability, and performance in our release process. We are now down to under 3 days on the last four releases and expect this trend to continue.

Jul 16, 2019

Jul 16, 2019

FREE minutes shift to 250/week    

What’s New

FREE minutes shift to 250/week

May 13, 2019

May 13, 2019

Release 2.17.00    

What’s New in Release 2.17

Known Issues

There have been reports of our backpressure settings being too aggressive due to lack of nomad garbage collecting, as well as issues with the Vm Service overwhelming AWS API Limits. If you are on 2.17, you should upgrade to 2.17.1.

Apr 09, 2019

Apr 09, 2019

Performance Plan Seat Allotment Alert    

What’s New

Performance Plan customers will now be alerted when they have used up their user seat allotment. These customers will need to update their subscription to allow all of their team members to use CircleCI.

Mar 22, 2019

Mar 22, 2019

New Status Gauge Icon    

What’s New

In an effort to improve incident reporting, CircleCI replaced status banners with a gauge icon in the application.
Our goal is to provide you with a better understanding of your pipeline’s current system health which includes CircleCI infrastructure and common external dependencies. Before, banners hid root cause and communicated issues to everyone even though the incident was relevant to few. Now, a gauge icon will give you a dynamic view into general infrastructure health and fast access to for deeper details.

Mar 22, 2019

Mar 22, 2019

New Privacy Setting    

What’s New

CircleCI uses 3rd-party tracking pixels to analyze traffic and optimize our marketing efforts (read our privacy policy to learn more). You can now disable these pixels within the CircleCI application by opting out. To do this, click the drop down menu under your picture and follow User Settings > Privacy & Security to check the opt-out box.

Feb 08, 2019

Feb 08, 2019

Getting Started Page Changes    

What’s New

Projects are no longer checked by default on the Getting Started page to avoid causing all unintended projects to start building.

Feb 08, 2019

Feb 08, 2019

Orb Licensing    

What’s New

Orbs are now licensed out from CircleCI to users under the MIT open-source license agreement. Refer to the Licensing page of the Orbs Registry for details.

Feb 08, 2019

Feb 08, 2019

Plan Display Updates (February 2019)    

What’s New

  • Usage banner is now shown on non-job pages to help users of the Free plan understand their usage.

What’s Fixed

  • Added back ability to start a macOS trial on Plan Settings page.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Orbs List Update    

What’s New

It is now possible to sort the list of orbs according to their usage by running the circleci orb list --sort command.

Dec 21, 2018

Dec 21, 2018

Log Downloads Feature    

What’s New

For customers with large logs, there’s now a way to open the log file in a separate browser in addition to to downloading the file.

Dec 17, 2018

Dec 17, 2018

Release 2.16.00    

Fill out this form to receive updates about CircleCI through email.

Nov 30, 2018

Nov 30, 2018

Orbs Inside Orbs    

What’s New

Orb elements can now be composed directly with elements of other orbs. For example, you can now have an orb that looks like the following:

Sep 28, 2018

Sep 28, 2018

New Orb CLI Commands, New Plan Views, New API Doc    

What’s New

  • The CircleCI CLI command orb list now has an optional flag, --json, that provides machine-readable output. In addition, the CLI command orb source has been updated to allow you to pull any version, including dev versions, for example:
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@dev:foo
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@1.2.3
circleci orb source mynamespace/myorb@volatile
  • Cloud Performance plans have been updated to display multiple periods of usage data on the Settings page.

Sep 14, 2018

Sep 14, 2018

New Project Default, Switch CLI Prompt, Plan Updates, and Disabled Fixed Notification    

What’s New

  • New projects are now created with 2.0 config by default and have Build Processing enabled.

Aug 16, 2018

Aug 16, 2018

Performance Plan Overview Includes Number of Projects with DLC Enabled    

What’s New

  • Performance customers can now see the number of active projects with DLC enabled on the Plan Overview page.