
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Apr 30, 2021

Apr 30, 2021

Plans Usage Page Performance Improvements    

What’s New

Significant performance improvements have been made on the Plan Usage page to reduce page load times, ensuring high usage customers can access and load this page without page timeouts.

Apr 29, 2021

Apr 29, 2021

Insights Dashboard - All Branch Filtering    

What’s New

Previously, the Insights experience was scoped at a single branch level. Starting from today, you can now access Insights data across all of your branches, making it easier to understand workflow and job performance across an entire project.

Apr 16, 2021

Apr 16, 2021

New Insights Landing Page & Project Details Page    

What’s New

The Insights landing page has been updated to provide users with detailed performance summaries for each project in an organization. With this update, we have also simplified the landing page to display performance per project and also made it easier for larger organizations to use.

Apr 14, 2021

Apr 14, 2021

First Party Orb Version Badge Service    

What’s New

Previously, CircleCI orb version badges were generated through, with data provided by a small service that a CircleCI CPE member managed. Although this process was not officially managed by CircleCI, with this update, this feature now consolidates the entire orb version badge generation process within CircleCI.

Mar 16, 2021

Mar 16, 2021

Context REST API    

What’s New

The Context REST API was built to enable secure secrets rotation and move towards having RESTful public APIs. In order to enable GA, our teams made the following improvements:

Mar 12, 2021

Mar 12, 2021

Plan Usage Design Update    

What’s New

The design on the usage summary on the Plan Usage page has been updated. The details shown are now based on the feature available on each plan type. This aligns the design across the different plan types to provide a more consistent user experience.

Feb 25, 2021

Feb 25, 2021

Org Trends & Percentile/Average Trends    

Feb 05, 2021

Feb 05, 2021

Faster Git Checkouts    

What’s New

You will now see a faster checkout step in your CircleCI jobs. The built-in checkout step now does a git clone without checkout, followed by checking out the branch (overwriting existing) at the SHA received from the VCS provider. In addition to speeding up the checkouts, a number of Git checkout-related issues have been resolved, resulting in improved reliability of the checkout step.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Failed tests listed above tabs    

What’s New

If you have configurations set up to collect test metadata, you will now have an easier time understanding what tests may have failed. On each Job page with a failed test, there is now a box above the steps/tests/artifacts tabs with a summary of how many tests failed, how many tests ran, and links to the names of each test that failed. The links jump to the output of the test failure further down the page. There is also a copy button to the right of each name if you would like to copy the name and rerun it in your personal IDE.

Jan 22, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

Persisting Selected Branches    

What’s New

Insights now persists the current branch when navigating from the pipelines or workflow runs pages. The dashboard displays the current/selected branch instead of defaulting to main. Similarly, on the Insights dashboard, changing workflows on a given branch no longer results in the branch reverting to main.

Jan 22, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

Job Trends    

Jan 13, 2021

Jan 13, 2021

Job Insights Export    

What’s New

You may now export the jobs table from the Insights dashboard as a CSV file. Downloaded reports can be used to run additional offline analysis or share with coworkers.

Jan 13, 2021

Jan 13, 2021

Workflow Trends    

Dec 15, 2020

Dec 15, 2020

Managing Network Storage and Usage    

What’s New

You will now be able to access a granular view of your network transfer and storage usage on the Plan Usage page. Storage consists of stored artifacts, workspaces and caches that are core to the CircleCI platform experience, while network captures data transfer such as retrieving a cache in a subsequent job or uploading the job’s artifacts. This change allows you to have more visibility, granularity and control over usage. For more information, including self-serve strategies for optimization, please refer to the Managing Network and Storage Use page for more information.

Nov 26, 2020

Nov 26, 2020

SSH Key Support    

What’s New

You can now add any combination of SSH key cipher / encoding. Specifically, we now support the ed25519 cipher, openssh encoding, and keys are not restricted to using the older (now non-default) PEM encoding. For more information, see the SSH keys guide in our docs.

Nov 17, 2020

Nov 17, 2020

Collapsable Error Messages on Pipelines Page    

What’s New

We have improved the error experience on the Pipelines Dashaboard by surfacing the main error and collapsing the details. This allows for quick scan accessibility, reduces visual clutter, and makes for a more consumable format instead of the full stack trace.

Nov 16, 2020

Nov 16, 2020

Visual Explanation of Hierarchy    

What’s New

When a new organization has less than 20 pipeline runs within an project, a diagram is displayed to explain the concepts of job vs. workflow vs. pipeline.

Nov 16, 2020

Nov 16, 2020

Pipelines Page now Dashboard    

What’s New

The “Pipelines” link in the CircleCI app sidebar, which leads to the cross-project Pipelines view, is now called the “Dashboard” for a clearer route back to viewing all your runs in one place.

Nov 13, 2020

Nov 13, 2020

Insights Time Filters    

What’s New

A selection of time filters have been added to the Insights workflow overview in the CircleCI app. You can now look at 24 hour, or 7/30/60/90 day time windows when reviewing your workflows Insights. Configurable time range is the most popular request on our ideas board, and we are excited to deliver a feature that gives you more granular control over your data.

Oct 29, 2020

Oct 29, 2020

Insights Dashboard Project Picker    

What’s New

You can now easily filter the projects you wish to view on the Insights dashboard page in the UI. This makes navigation easier, allowing you to easily find and view the projects you care about.

Oct 22, 2020

Oct 22, 2020

Follow and Unfollow Projects from Pipelines Dashboard    

What’s New

You can now follow and unfollow projects within your organization directly from the Pipelines dashboard. Previously all follow/unfollow options were only available through a redirect to the Add Projects page.

Oct 21, 2020

Oct 21, 2020

Job Links are now Blue on Pipelines Dashboard    

Oct 21, 2020

Oct 21, 2020

Import Env Vars in Project Settings    

What’s New

All organizations can now import environment variables from one project to another, as an alternative to using contexts to share them. This functionality was present on the old UI but initially not released on the new UI. All users can now access it by navigating to “Environment Variables” within project settings.

Oct 21, 2020

Oct 21, 2020

Refill Change on Performance Plan    

What’s New

Performance plan credit refills will now be triggered at 2% and refills will be no smaller than 25,000 credits (or 25%). For more information see our billing FAQs.

Oct 09, 2020

Oct 09, 2020

Configuration Validator added to In-App Editor    

What’s New

Configuration validation is now available in the in-app config editor to visually show config status at the point of adding a config to your project.

Oct 06, 2020

Oct 06, 2020

Auto-Collapse Pipelines Toggle    

What’s New

You can now toggle the auto-expand pipleines options on or off in the top-right corner of the pipelines dashboard. This is especially useful if you have pipelines containing many jobs, giving the advantage of keeping these pipelines collapsed, and if you have pipelines containing a small number of jobs you may prefer the auto-expand option.

Sep 15, 2020

Sep 15, 2020

Automated Custom Plan    

What’s New

The new Custom Plan will automatically track your usage, be able to provide real-time credit usage and balance information, and produce reports to accounting for invoicing. You will also be able to use user seats and be billed via credits for the usage.

Sep 14, 2020

Sep 14, 2020

Additional Triggers for PRs via API    

What’s New

Pipelines can now be triggered via the API for PRs (using PR number instead of branch), PR merge commits, and Forked PRs. This enables you to more easily validate new code from PRs. Triggering on PRs and PR merge commits offers the ability to better validate PRs in a programmatic way. Triggering pipelines on forked PRs is valuable for customers who have open source repositories that are frequently forked.

Aug 27, 2020

Aug 27, 2020

Commit SHA Link on Pipelines Page    

Aug 25, 2020

Aug 25, 2020

Multiple Contexts Per Workflow    

What’s New

Multiple contexts can now be used in a Workflow. Previously, workflows were limited to having a single context. Instead of passing in a string to the context key in the config file, a list may be passed containing the contexts to be used in the workflow. This makes updates to contexts easier to manage and more secure.

Aug 21, 2020

Aug 21, 2020

Workflows Map Improvements    

What’s New

Workflow Map connection lines are now straight and do not overlap. When you hover-over of a job, all dependencies from and to that job are highlighted.

Aug 21, 2020

Aug 21, 2020

Update to Credits Available on Plan Overview    

What’s New

The ‘credits available’ section of the Plan Overview in the UI has been updated to clarify some confusion around understanding credit balance. The bar display has been removed and the credits balance is now clearly shown.

Aug 06, 2020

Aug 06, 2020

Improved Config Error when Config File is Empty    

What’s New

The config error message shown when there is an empty config file on triggering a pipeline has been improved to both clearly state the problem, and provide a way to get back to project setup to add a config.

Aug 04, 2020

Aug 04, 2020

Share Plan Now Includes Premium Features    

What’s New

Child orgs now get premium features, including resource class allowance and DLC, from the parent org when plans are shared.

Jul 30, 2020

Jul 30, 2020

Commit Message Now Available on New UI Jobs Page    

What’s New

Commit messages are now displayed along with commit author on the Job page in the New UI.

Jul 30, 2020

Jul 30, 2020

Update Manual Activation CTA    

What’s New

The button to manually add a config when starting a new project now reads “Use Existing Config”. Previously, this text read “Add Manually”. Through user research it was found that the new text directly encompasses many more use cases, including existing users with existing config ready to go.

Jul 30, 2020

Jul 30, 2020

Branch and Commit Combined on Pipelines Dashboard View    

What’s New

The Branch and Commit message columns have been combined on the pipelines dashboard view of the new UI making the page easier to scan for the information you require.

Jul 21, 2020

Jul 21, 2020

Job Page Metadata Design Updates    

What’s New

The metadata section at the top of the Job page has been reworked to better group related concepts and include new labelling. This redesign makes it more clear which link is for which feature, especially for those not familiar with icons for branch, commit, PR etc.

Jul 21, 2020

Jul 21, 2020

Pipelines Page Design Updates    

What’s New

The Pipelines page has been redesigned to merge the Project and Pipeline number columns together and make the font smaller across the whole page. This change allows you to see more pipelines on the dashboard without scrolling.

Jul 16, 2020

Jul 16, 2020

Plan Overview and Usage UI Now Available to Non-Admins    

What’s New

Non-admins can now see Plan Overview and Usage pages in the new UI.

Jul 06, 2020

Jul 06, 2020

Changes to Definition of Queued and Waiting in the New UI    

What’s New

  • Waiting indicates the time spent preparing a job to run due to Docker image choice and CircleCI infrastructure time.
  • Queued indicates when you hit a concurrency plan limit, and your job isn’t running because other jobs in your organization are running first.

These two definitions were previously vice versa in the UI, which caused confusion due to discrepancies between usage in the UI and what most customers understood the terms to mean. We hope this change will avoid any confusion in future.

Jun 24, 2020

Jun 24, 2020

1-click Project Set Up    

What’s New

You can now commit config directly from the Project Set-Up page to your repo with 1-click. The same config can also be downloaded and committed manually if preferred.

Jun 03, 2020

Jun 03, 2020

Container cgroup Limits Now Visible Inside the Docker Executor    

What’s New

Container cgroup limits are now visible when using the Docker executor. This means that container-aware build tooling will now correctly detect the number of CPUs and amount of RAM available to the job.

May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020

Plan Usage with New Compute Breakdown Tab Now in New UI    

What’s New

The Plan Usage page in the new UI now includes a Compute tab, showing compute minutes and credits by executor type. You can also further filter the breakdown by projects. MacOS container plan users will also see overages within this tab.

If you are not currently on a usage plan, this page will show compute usage by credit and user to give an indication of what to expect on the usage plan.

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

Queue/Wait-Time Redesigned in the New UI    

What’s New

Previously, queue and wait times were hidden behind an information icon hoover-over. They are now in their own section in the Job Details header. User-research showed these items were hard to find and folks did not like them being hidden.

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

Favicons Show Job Status in New UI    

What’s New

Favicons for CircleCI job pages now reflect the status of the job. The icon becomes red for a failed job, green for success, and blue for still running.

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

Plan Overview Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

The new Plan overview page includes improved visualisations for credit usage, user seats and upgrade options. Access the Plan overview from the new UI sidebar.

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020

Link to Changelog in Help Menu in New UI    

May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020

Advanced Logic in Config Now Available    

What’s New

The new logic constructs allow for more powerful compilation-time decisions about which work to perform. Read more on our Discuss post.

May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020

Default Branch now Pinned to Top of Branch Selection Menu    

What’s New

The default branch, usually master, is now pinned to the top of the branch selector list, as well as below in alphabetical order to prevent it being missed.