
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Feb 28, 2023

Feb 28, 2023

New job status badge for “Infrastructure Failure”    

What’s New

The job status badges in the CircleCI UI now include a badge for “Infrastructure Failure”. This badge indicates that CircleCI has run into issues with the underlying infrastructure on which the job runs.

Feb 24, 2023

Feb 24, 2023

In-app express project setup for GitLab Cloud    

What’s New

You can now set up your GitLab project using the following options within CircleCI: use an existing .circleci/config.yml in a repository (fastest); commit a starter CI pipeline to a new branch (faster); or go to a config.yml template that you can edit (fast). These setup options will also trigger a pipeline, so you no longer need to manually commit a change from your GitLab repo in order to run your pipeline for the first time.

Feb 16, 2023

Feb 16, 2023

Automatic retries for certain types of infrastructure failures    

What’s New

In certain scenarios when the underlying hardware that CircleCI uses to run jobs fails, CircleCI will attempt to automatically retry the job.

Feb 14, 2023

Feb 14, 2023

Arm fleet upgrade    

What’s New

Arm resource classes now benefit from faster execution speed and improved networking performance. The underlying compute types for the CircleCI ARM fleet have been upgraded. These resource classes are up to 25% more performant.

Feb 01, 2023

Feb 01, 2023

Test splitting on Windows resource classes    

What’s New

A bug fix has been released that allows test splitting by timing to now work on Windows resource classes.

Jan 25, 2023

Jan 25, 2023

Increase in config compile size limit    

What’s New

CircleCI configurations previously had a compile size limit of 3 MB, which prevented pipelines from running when this limit was exceeded. We have now increased the config compile size limit to 4 MB.

Dec 13, 2022

Dec 13, 2022

Out-of-the-box support for non-POSIX shells (Node and Ruby)    

What’s New

We have added out-of-the-box shell support for Node and Ruby. Invoking Node and Ruby commands within CircleCI jobs can now be as simple as the following:

Nov 07, 2022

Nov 07, 2022

Billing changes for runner network egress    

What’s New

As of October 31, 2022, CircleCI no longer exempts data transfer when restoring a cache or workspace to a self-hosted runner installed in AWS us-east-1 from network billing.

For more information, visit the Discuss post.

Sep 22, 2022

Sep 22, 2022

Machine Resource Insights    

What’s New

Resource class insights now provides visibility into historical CPU and RAM utilization for projects that use Linux, Arm, GPU, and Windows execution environments. You can track resource utilization and update your executors based on historical trends and job needs. Support for macOS is coming soon.

Sep 12, 2022

Sep 12, 2022

Machine Resource Utilization Graphs    

What’s New

The Resources tab on the Job details page in the CircleCI UI has been updated with graphs for jobs that use the machine executor including Windows, Linux VM, macOS, ARM, and GPU resource classes. This enhancement will help troubleshoot build errors, as well as provide insights to help you right-size your compute.

Sep 08, 2022

Sep 08, 2022

Test Splitting Recommendations    

What’s New

The test splitting recommendation feature uses machine learning to estimate the expected time savings of enabling parallelism on test jobs. Recommendations are provided on the tests tab of Insights to help you get an understanding of the impact of test splitting before enabling it.

Refer to our documentation to read more about test splitting and parallelism.

Jul 14, 2022

Jul 14, 2022

Windows jobs now use a functional shell during SSH re-run    

What’s New

CircleCI has an improved terminal experience for Windows users, with common terminal commands now fully supported for jobs that are re-run via SSH.

Jun 27, 2022

Jun 27, 2022

Arm Large resource class available with Free plan    

What’s New

We have rolled out the Arm Large resource class as a standard offering in our Free plan.

Jun 16, 2022

Jun 16, 2022

SSH keys on runner    

What’s New

CircleCI’s cloud feature, add_ssh_keys, is now fully supported on runner jobs. This feature can be used to configure additional SSH keys for running processes on other services during job execution.

May 02, 2022

May 02, 2022

New macOS cloud IPs    

What’s New

New IPs have been added to the list of IPs for CircleCI’s macOS Cloud. If you were using the list of static IP addresses found on the IP ranges documentation page, you will need to update your list to include these new IP addresses.

For a list of new IP addresses for macOS Cloud, please refer to the IP ranges documentation page.

Apr 26, 2022

Apr 26, 2022

Updated CLI commands for private orbs    

What’s New

The orb source, orb info, and orb/config validate CLI commands have been updated to work successfully with private orbs.

Apr 21, 2022

Apr 21, 2022

Update to IP ranges feature    

What’s New

In making recent updates to the IP ranges feature, a change was made which inadvertently added several new IPs and removed several existing IPs from the static list of IPs associated with CircleCI.

Apr 11, 2022

Apr 11, 2022

Enhancement to the IP ranges feature    

What’s New

With this update, Docker image pulls now go through the set of well-defined IPs, with no additional changes needed from your end.

This update enables you to use your private Docker registries with the IP ranges feature and only open up traffic to those registries to IPs associated with CircleCI.

Mar 30, 2022

Mar 30, 2022

Release 3.4.0    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

Feb 25, 2022

Feb 25, 2022

Express project setup    

What’s New

We’ve redesigned the project setup experience and made it easier for both new and existing users to set up new projects with CircleCI.

Feb 25, 2022

Feb 25, 2022

View network transfer information in Resources tab    

What’s New

Network transfer information is now available for all jobs using a Docker executor (excluding remote Docker) on our Cloud platform. This feature can help you predict the cost of using the IP ranges feature as well as optimize IP ranges usage.

Feb 18, 2022

Feb 18, 2022

Estimated runtime now available for ongoing builds    

What’s New

We have added the ability for you to view the estimated runtime as your build is running on both the dashboard and pipelines pages. The estimated time is located under the status column and is based on your previous workflow runs.

Feb 16, 2022

Feb 16, 2022

Revamped code snippets in CircleCI documentation    

What’s New

We have added a new theme for code snippets in our technical documentation. Since the new theme matches the in-app theme, you should have an easier time navigating back and forth between the CircleCI documentation and the CircleCI app.

Feb 03, 2022

Feb 03, 2022

Timing tab shows the longest step in a job    

What’s New

In the timing tab, the 3 longest steps in a job are displayed, with other steps per parallel run. With this enhanced view, you can better understand which steps are the longest in the job so you can investigate or improve your job’s speed and efficiency.

Jan 20, 2022

Jan 20, 2022

New Insights public APIs    

What’s New

CircleCI has just release 7 new Insights API endpoints to improve pipeline observability and tracking. You can now access even more insights features such as:

Jan 14, 2022

Jan 14, 2022

Toggle outlier values    

What’s New

You may now hide outlier values in your Most Recent Workflow Runs chart in Insights, giving you more control over how you would like your data to be displayed.

Jan 14, 2022

Jan 14, 2022

Updated usage controls to help minimize credits wasted on unregistered users.    

What’s New

Your organization will now be able to take advantage of updated usage controls, which can reduce credits wasted on actions run by unregistered users. This is a function available on your CircleCI dashboard and can be enabled/disabled by your account admin.

Jan 11, 2022

Jan 11, 2022

Free plan updates    

What’s New

We have made some exciting updates to our free plan, including giving teams more build minutes and access to our most popular features formerly only available on paid plans.

Dec 17, 2021

Dec 17, 2021

Increase in storage available for jobs that use the Windows executor    

What’s New

When you use our Windows executors, you may now take advantage of a larger disk size of 200 GB. This increase in storage size unlocks scenarios where you may wish to download large amounts of software during job execution (ie. gaming engines).

Dec 15, 2021

Dec 15, 2021

SSH reruns as workflows    

What’s New

SSH reruns have historically been run as independent jobs, rather than as part of a workflow. This makes those jobs difficult to track and manage, causing them to block customers with limited concurrency. We are now running SSH reruns as workflow reruns, so they will appear in the same way that “rerun from failed” workflows appear.

Dec 07, 2021

Dec 07, 2021

Private orbs UI    

What’s New

You can now interact with private orbs via the CircleCI web app. A list of your organization’s orbs has been added on the Organization Settings page, and new private orb details pages that open in the orb registry have also been added as part of this release. The orbs list shows all public and private orbs authored by your organization / in your organization’s namespace(s), while the private orb details pages open in the Orbs registry and are flagged with a new “private” badge. Please note you will only be able to see these pages if you are logged in and authenticated; if you are not logged in, you will receive a 404 error.

Dec 07, 2021

Dec 07, 2021

Docker resource utilization graphs    

What’s New

You can now review the CPU & memory utilization for docker jobs on CircleCI’s hosted cloud compute. A new Resources tab on the job details page displays this data and easy-to-consume graphs for docker jobs.

Dec 02, 2021

Dec 02, 2021

Test parallelism timing experience - GA    

What’s New

The test parallelism timing experience feature is now generally available and enables you to view information on parallel test times and bottlenecks so you can take this information and act on it to run your tests faster.

Nov 19, 2021

Nov 19, 2021

Test parallelism timing experience    

What’s New

This update enables you to view information on parallel test times and bottlenecks so you can take this information and act on it to run your tests faster.

Nov 11, 2021

Nov 11, 2021

SSH reruns for Runner    

What’s New

SSH reruns are now supported for Runner jobs. Although you have been able to SSH into cloud jobs to debug and inspect the system during and after the run, you may now use these same techniques for your Runner jobs.

Oct 29, 2021

Oct 29, 2021

Orb information for private orbs    

What’s New

If you use the CircleCI CLI, you may now use the CLI to run orb information for private orbs.

Oct 27, 2021

Oct 27, 2021

Orbs list    

What’s New

Many customers have been asking for an easy way to manage the orbs they’ve authored, both public or private. To meet this need, we are rolling out a set of orbs usability enhancements inside the Circle app.

Sep 23, 2021

Sep 23, 2021

Sorting by Trend    

What’s New

Users can now sort by trends to access projects and workflows with the largest change/delta in a given time window. This feature will simplify discoverability and aid with quicker fixes/updates.

Sep 03, 2021

Sep 03, 2021

Improved Plan Overview page    

What’s New

We have updated the Plan Overview page, so organizations on our free plans can now learn more about the Performance Plan, see details on pricing / estimates and see our top features on CircleCI.

Sep 02, 2021

Sep 02, 2021

Job and workflow webhooks    

What’s New

Webhooks are now available to all users. A webhook enables you to connect a platform you manage (either an API you create yourself, or a third party service) to a stream of future events.

Sep 01, 2021

Sep 01, 2021

September feature updates    

Several new features have been released to improve the user experience when setting up configurations.

Aug 27, 2021

Aug 27, 2021

August feature Updates    

There have been a number of feature and user experience updates made to the CircleCI platform, which are described below.

Aug 05, 2021

Aug 05, 2021

Job and workflow webhooks in open preview    

What’s New

CircleCI has now made job and workflow webhooks feature available in open preview for all customers. “Job completed” and “Workflow completed” webhooks send status data, which may include states like success, failed, or canceled whenever a job or workflow reaches a terminal state.

Jul 23, 2021

Jul 23, 2021

Object/Network Transfer and Storage Usage UI    

What’s New

On the Plan Usage page, you will now see their network transfer and storage usage data from saving and restoring objects such as workspaces, caches, etc.

Jun 11, 2021

Jun 11, 2021

Manual pipeline run button    

What’s New

There is now a button on the top right of the Pipelines page, next to the “Edit Config” button, to manually run a new pipeline from the UI. You must first select a branch, and then the pipeline is run at the HEAD of that branch.

Jun 11, 2021

Jun 11, 2021

UX Updates    

What’s New

In order to improve the overall user experience, the following updates and changes have been made to the CircleCI user interface:

Jun 11, 2021

Jun 11, 2021

Link to former re-run-with-SSH job provided from Job page    

Jun 09, 2021

Jun 09, 2021

Private Orbs for All Paid Plans    

What’s New

Previously available to all of our Scale plan customers, we are now allowing all paid customers to access up to 3 Private Orbs. Note that Scale Plan customers will still have full access to an unlimited number of private orbs.

May 13, 2021

May 13, 2021

Updated Sample Config Templates    

What’s New

Some notable updates have been made to our sample configuration templates.

May 05, 2021

May 05, 2021

`matches` logical statement in config    

What’s New

A new logical statement has been added to the config called matches, which takes a map with two parameters: pattern and value. If the value is a regex match to pattern, the value will be returned as true. This type of regex matching in when statements enables customers who want to filter individual steps or entire workflows based upon branch or tag to do so in a more consistent way that matches whatever logic they want to use.